Haitian dance and music, such as Rara, Yanvalou and others, originates from Benin, West Africa, and was created by enslaved Africans. Haitian dance also includes an imitation of French court dances while predominantly showcasing the dynamic torso, pelvic, and leg movements danced to the strong rhythmic African drums.
Jumper’s Knee
“My Knee Hurts!”: Understanding Jumper’s Knee Treating Jumper’s Knee Get Ready for Landing: Treating Jumper’s Knee
Salit Cohen-Cheng
Getting to Know You: Salit Cohen-Cheng, Belly Dancer Meet Our Teachers: Salit Cohen-Cheng Teacher Spotlight: Salit Cohen-Cheng Who We Are: Salit Cohen-Cheng
Who are the Orishas?
The deities, or gods, worshipped in the Cuban Yoruba Lucumí/Santería and Brazilian Candomblé and Umbanda religions are called Orishas (or Orixás in Brazil). They are all representatives of Olodumare, the Supreme Being, who placed the Orishas on Earth to help and supervise humankind.